Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Week 15 14th-20th May

This week was the second and last block week for human anatomy. As we had learnt all the material the Monday class was to prepare us for our presentations for the next day. What shocked us when we were given our preparation was he left it to the last minute, as in the day before which would never happen back in Stranmillis. We also found out we had to pay 35 euro to print a poster out and this wasn’t made clear to us. We were not pleased at the cost of this as we are students that can just about afford to live abroad as it is and therefore got annoyed, however what could we do but to just get on with it and pay the money. Niamh and I were clever however as we found somewhere that printed it cheaper for only 20 euros (typical bargain hunters) so we weren’t too bothered paying this amount.

Today we also met up with our lecturer Melanie who was over on a placement and of course to check if we were doing ok. It was great to see a friendly face from our home university and tell her all about are time in Malta so far. As you would probably already guessed we had plenty to talk about, good and bad, but of course mostly good. We gave Melanie some advice for her stay for example the bad time keeping (also known as mala time) the bus system and of course the best tourist places to visit. We said are goodbyes and hoped that she had a great time.

It was Tuesday and therefore presentation day! My presentation was on posture and I don’t think I had ever been so nervous about a presentation, and I never get nervous as most people know I love getting the opportunity to talk. I think I was so worried because I had never done a poster presentation like this before and therefore it was all new to me. I think also because it was in front of the Maltese in our class and I felt the pressure of making a good impression on them and the lecturer. However I braved up and completed it with everything running smoothly, therefore I panicked for no reason. It was very interesting watching the others do their presentations as I could see what they do different. I learnt from others that I it's good to not always read what I have put on the poster but try and learn it off by heart so you can make more eye contact with the audience. This is something I find difficult but by watching them it has encouraged me to do this in the future.

The rest of the week was to prepare us for the exam and what it was going to be like. We found out there would be ten questions and they would all be based on the title of each presentation, therefore we had to revise each other’s posters meaning revising  seventeen topics on human anatomy. This was the end of our block week all was left in human anatomy was to study for the exam.

This week was very much taken over by university work meaning less of a social life which isn’t too bad especially for my bank balance.  So in my free time it was just lie by the pool and top up my tan, which doesn’t seem that bad at all.

At the weekend my social life picked up just a little as we had our University Residence sports day! this was great fun and everyone got into their country teams (some mixing there race). The biggest game was the tug of war over the water this was very funny to watch! I didn't participate as much as I usually would especially in the tug of war as I am a bit of a wimp! However it was great to cheer everyone on, and I got confused if I should cheer for the Ireland team or the UK team, however after Ireland winning the tug of war I was now "Irish" typical glory hunter! over all it was enjoyable and was great seeing everyone from each country comng together for this event!

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