Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Week 5 March 5th-11th

This week our fellow Irish friends Amy and Lynsey had a few friends from home over to visit. This was a great week because we got to help Amy and Lynsey show their friends the island. The first night they arrived we showed them the local karaoke bar which was great fun! We got to know the girls better and we all got along so well. This week the weather wasn’t that good and there was talk of a hurricane that would pass the island, therefore it was difficult for us to show the girls the whole island, however at least they got to see the main areas Sliema, Valletta and of course St Jullians Pacevillie. They all seemed to enjoy their sightseeing this week, however once again we had another Irish girl injuried.  One of Lynsey’s friends fell down a pothole because of the uneven roads and got brought to hospital and found out she broke her ankle! So now we have two girls in the 103 house with injuries!

This week Niamh and I explored the area around our residence as we heard about the San Anton gardens that was just a five minute walk away. This garden was very beautiful with loads of different sculptures, plants and animals such as chickens and turtles. San Anton Gardens are the largest and loveliest garden area in Malta and lie on the confines of the Three Villages, Attard, Lija and Balzan. The gardens  have been opened to the public since 1882.This garden was very beautiful with loads of different plants and trees such as orange and citrus trees.

This week in university it was tougher especially in gymnastics. This week in gymnastics we had to different movements that reminded us of animals, such as the caterpillar with our toes, and we had to walk with are arms and drag our feet to be otters. This was good for lesson plans for younger children to make the lessons more interesting for them. The class got tougher as we had to do handstands off apparatus and headstands and tumble over onto the mat. This was difficult as I have a fear of being upside down in the air. However I did try and the class is all about being able to support your student and teach how to do the move, so as long as I am able to spot that is the main thing.

Week 4 February 27th-4th March

Week four began with classes; I was very excited knowing that I had finally sorted out my subjects. One of my new classes started, management of PE, sport and leisure. As I missed the induction class for this subject I didn’t know what to expect, which made be even keener to get started. I learnt in my first class about working as a team and effective leadership. This class was enjoyable as we had to play a game down in the sports hall. Half the class had to get blind folded and work as a team to place a long rope into the shape of a square, while the other half had to observe and see how the team worked well and who emerged as the main leader. I was very glad that I was in the observation group as it was great fun watching the group try to make the shape which ended up looking like a no shape at all! When we went back up to the class room we discussed the task and what went wrong and realised it didn’t work because they didn’t have a main plan and too many leaders emerged and no one was listening to each other.

I learnt a lot in this class, for a group to meet a target they need to have a leader and make goals and objectives. The next management class that week I learnt about the differences between leaders and managers. I found this class easier than most others as I have already learnt about this topic in my management class in the first semester back in Stranmillis, therefore I was able to show off my knowledge to the rest of the class when the lecturer asked us questions. I really liked the way the lecturer teaches the class as he uses audio, for example videos off YouTube, this kept my attention as I learn best when I have audio or practical rather than just listening to someone talking for the whole two hours of a class.

There were a lot of events held this week within the residence as the AEGEE group organised trips for us. One trip that I really enjoyed was the football match Malta V Lichtenstein Malta may not be the best football team but I really enjoyed watching one of their matches as their supporters where very enthusiastic and had a real passion for their team. The stadium wasn’t even a quarter full of people and in fact most of us Erasmus and international students filled most of the seats! However the Maltese that where there never stopped cheering, singing local songs, waving flags and banging drums. The result ended up 2-1 to Malta which was great as they were losing at the start so the night definitely ended on a high. I was very glad I attended this event as I learnt more about the Maltese culture.

This week one of my friends Rebecca who is also from Ireland had an accident and ended up in hospital with a broken wrist in two places and had to get metal plates put in her wrist ending up in surgery. I and another girl Lynsey went to the hospital just before her surgery to make sure she had everything she needed. I felt for her as she was very upset and thought that her time in Malta was ruined, however the nurses in the hospital were so good to her and reassured that everything was ok and her wrist will be better in no time.  As horrifying this event was it was good for me to see the difference in the Maltese hospitals than our hospitals back home as I was thinking about going into nursing as my future career. The hospital was very clean and modern it almost felt like I wasn’t even in a hospital, the doctors and nurses were also very helpful to Rebecca and even Lynsey and I. this event made it clear that nursing is a tough occupation as you have to be very comforting and positive all the time around your patients. Rebecca stayed overnight in the hospital and came back to the residence feeling far better and more positive about the rest of her time in Malta, especially as she has all us girls to help her until she is finally able to move her wrist again.

All in all this week has been very eventful from starting a new class, attending a Maltese football game and experiencing the health system within their hospitals with an injured friend.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Week 3 February 20th-26th

After my very busy weekend in Gozo I decided to take it easy this week and concentrate on my studies, and make sure that I had registered for all my classes. My first class of the week was gymnastics on Monday morning, this week the lecturer wasn’t present so we had cover however as the Maltese are so laid back everyone in the class turned up except the cover lecturer which meant I woke up at 7.30am for nothing. I was disappointed that it was cancelled as I really enjoyed this class last week and was looking forward to it.
This week we had to register for classes however there was a problem as two classes that I had picked where clashing with each other, health related fitness and fundamentals of mini games, I was very disappointed as I was looking forward to both these classes. Therefore I had to relook at the time table and pick two more subjects that weren’t clashing and subjects that I found interesting. This was rather difficult to do as most classes that I wanted to attend where clashing or full, for example hockey and soft ball. However finally after looking closely at them I decided to go with psychology and management. I have completed modules in both areas of subject and found them very interesting to learn therefore why I chose to attend them; I just hope they are as good as the gymnastic class. As we didn’t get to register on time because of the confusion of classes we had to do an add on form which was a lot of hassle as we had to get our forms signed by a woman called Suzanne Gault and every time I went she wasn’t there. However I emailed Suzanne and she let me know when she was in and therefore got them signed and everything was sorted out and I was ready to attend my new classes. This week I didn’t have many classes as psychology doesn’t start until after Easter and human anatomy is a block week class which doesn’t start until then last week in March.
As we had free time because classes were cancelled and we had finally after sorting out our classes we decided to take advantage of the weather improving and took a day trip to the beach called golden bay. Golden bay is one of two picturesque sandy beaches, it was a beautiful place as it was set among dramatic cliffs and is the largest with a two restaurants and a Radison hotel. Golden bay lie at the north western end and is 3 and a half miles from St Paul’s bay. Thousands of years ago most of the valley was under water but now is one of the most fertile valley used all year round. This was a great day out as we went with other girls from residence which was a great way to socialise and get to know each other. We decided to stay at the beach for another sunset as the last two were so beautiful this one was equally as beautiful as we were sitting on a beach looking out onto the water. We will definitely be visiting golden bay again as we really enjoyed are day out.
On the Thursday the AEGEE group organised a toga night for the residence in Pacevillie it was almost 60 years after the first ever Toga Party was held in 1953 which is why the toga themed party was organised. This was a great night as everyone dressed up in their white sheets and everyone made a brilliant effort with their costumes.